- Who will lay the carpet? 谁将铺地毯?
- Who will lay the carpet ? 谁将铺地毯?
- Who will lay the linoleum? 谁将铺设地板油毡?
- The shop tells me that they will lay the red shirt by for you. 商店对我说他们将把这件红衬衣给你留着。
- Herein will lie the most important meaning of the undertaking. 在这里,将呈现这项事业的最重要的意义所在。
- The carpet will stand any amount of wear. 这地毯极其耐用。
- You have learned at school will lay the roots for your future. 你在学校所学的知识将对你的未来打下基础。
- I will lay the foundation of the roof with the marl. 我要用这些泥灰苫背屋顶。
- My plan will be on the carpet at today's meeting. 今天的会议将审议我的计划。
- Who will compensate for the losses? 谁将赔偿损失?
- As usual, during the work time, they will lay the child at the fense shade. 和往常一样,他们在劳作时间会把婴孩放在篱笆下面的荫凉处。
- Who will take care of the elderly? 谁来照料上了年纪的人?
- I need your help to bring the carpet down. 把地毯运到楼下得需你帮助。
- Who will get the nomination for president? 谁将获得总统提名?
- The peace treaty will lay the foundations for a loose confederation of sovereign states. 该和平条约将为主权国家形成松散的同盟关系奠定基础。
- The carpet is too thick to double up. 这地毯太厚没法折叠。
- He picked the watch up from the carpet. 他从地毯上把表捡起来。
- It's impossible to tell who will win the next election. 下届选举谁能获胜无法预知。
- Myth 11: After I finish treatment, I will lie the rest of my life worried about cancer returning. 误解11:在完成治疗后,在剩余的生命中我将活在担心癌症复发的阴影中。
- The cat's been sick on the carpet. 猫在地毯上吐了。